Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year Questions

I ate a bowl of Cheerios one morning between Christmas and New Year's Day watching the TV and Martha Stewart touting her new Facebook fan page.

The moment of Martha Stewart and Facebook is a mysterious breakthrough toward one thing or another not completely clear, except for being a clear cut away from the age of My Kids and Facebook.

Martha actually spent half her show talking about it. And no wonder when Facebook says 10 million people are becoming fans of brands like Martha Stewart EVERY day. That's only a fraction of the almost 400 million people using Facebook today.

So here's a New Year Question that won't leave me alone: What's the world going to be like with One Billion Facebook people?

Twitter was a big topic at holiday parties this year. Lots of aging boomers say the same thing: "I don't get Twitter."

Ask them if they've ever used Twitter and they say "Nah." Thankfully David Carr of the New York Times wrote a rich column on why he gets Twitter. Now I send it to people who don't get Twitter.

I use Twitter in place of the morning newspaper by following my favorite journos, bloggers and news organizations. I'll never buy another newspaper in my life.

Which makes me ask this New Year Question: Why do people say they don't get Twitter when they've never gone online and gotten Twitter to get the stuff they want and need to know for free everyday?

You know like I know when it comes to the iPhone, there's an app for that. But now word comes from Seth Godin of a place on the web where you can make an iPhone app in five minutes.

It's true. I did it.

Here's the last New Year Question: What's the world going to be like when you can create software apps that reach hundreds of millions of people around the world in five minutes?

How great is it that everything's coming together in a way that nothing's going to be the same soon?


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